Accuphase E-4000 Integrated Amplifier

Accuphase E-4000 Integrated Amplifier

More power to the integrated range

The E-480 was already an outstanding integrated amplifer, but Accuphase have raised the bar yet again with the just released E-4000. A number of improvements have been made in several key areas that add up to an amplifier that provides power and control in spades.

The AAVA volume control system is one of the 'secret sauces' that go into making Accuphase amplifiers some of the very best. This combined with the addition of ANCC (Accuphase Noise cancelling Circuit) and some internal reconfiguring means there is a 20% reduction in noise levels.


Accuphase E-4000 Integrated Amplifier

A strong power supply includes a specially made toroidal transformer and produces 180W of power (8Ω); Perfectly suited to driving virtually any size loudspeaker. An improved damping factor ensures that those speakers will be under total control at all times, delivering a vivid sound overflowing with energy.

Like the rest of the Accuphase Integrated rage, the E-4000 includes support for option boards which allow for the addition of digital or phono input.

The Accuphase E-4000 Integrated amplifier is available now from all Soundline stores.