Esoteric K-03XD Super Audio CD Player
Bringing out all the dynamics and energy of music

With these reservations in mind, the K-03X provided a level of sonic micro and macro thrills in more areas than I’ve ever encountered before in a digital component. Regardless of format—CD, SACD, and high-resolution over USB—recordings that I’d heard dozens of times before suddenly didn’t sound quite as blandly familiar.

To hell with the audiophile in-crowd. I’m giving the Esoteric K-03 a Reviewers’ Choice award, no ifs, ands, or buts. It’s the Swiss Army Knife of high-end audio. In fact, it does so many things so well that if Esoteric told me that an amplifier, a pair of tower speakers, and 50 jazz CDs were jammed into its box, I almost wouldn’t be surprised. More important, the K-03 does all of these things at an uncommon level of performance.