Sonus faber Olympica Nova I Bookshelf Speakers
Make no mistake, the Sonus Faber Olympica Nova I sound as gorgeous as they look.

At the end of the day, if you just want a nice sounding pair of boxes for your listening room, then these aren’t the speakers for you. If, on the other hand, you are looking for something that is a little more special, something that is less of a commodity item, then I’m quite certain Sonus faber would tell you to come on in, the water is fine!

Probably the most exquisite compact loudspeaker I have had the privilege to gaze upon in my own system, the Olympica Nova 1 sets new standards in its class. Paolo Tezzon’s design is elegant beyond measure and the engineering standards supreme, build-quality to the highest standard.

The Olympica Nova 1 may be small and relatively affordable, but it delivered a large amount of musical satisfaction. It didn't play extraordinarily loud or pump out the deepest bass. Its strengths resided in its imaging, its midrange richness, and the absence of fatigue in this listener.