Sonus faber Sonetto III Floorstanding Speakers - Christchurch
The Sonetto III's have such a wonderful ability to reproduce lifelike midrange and midbass that you’ll often forget you’re listening to speakers.

Due to some terrific design and engineering, the Sonus faber Sonetto III produces much bigger sound than a speaker its size has a right to. If you’re tight on space and thought you’d have to settle for a bookshelf design, think again. The Sonetto IIIs could well be the answer. And if you have placement restrictions, the Sonettos are more forgiving than most floorstanders. The Sonetto IIIs have such a wonderful ability to reproduce lifelike midrange and midbass that you’ll often forget you’re listening to speakers.

The Sonetto is a high resolution loudspeaker for a typical medium sized room. It is dry, projective and informational. Sonus Faber have engineered it well to give an accurate sound tailored for medium sized rooms where it will impress any listener. Worth hearing without a doubt.