Stax SR-009S Electrostatic Earspeaker
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You are going to be blown away if you listen to a pair of SR-009S earspeakers in combination with the Stax SRM-700S.

The very first thing to say is that if you haven’t heard a pair of electrostatic headphones, you are going to be blown away if you listen to a pair of SR-009S earspeakers in combination with the Stax SRM-700S.

The SR-009S is a masterful achievement that expands upon the SR-009’s strengths, offering heightened detail and focus, more nuanced and expansive dynamics, and superior bass.

In sum, the Stax SR-009S is a truly world-class headphone in 2021, and without hearing the Stax’s X9000, may well be one of the best headphones on the planet. It’s unique combination of musicality and technical prowess makes puts it in the Champions’ League of headphones, a league inhabited by the HIFIMAN Susvara, Abyss AB-1266 Phi TC, the Raal SR1a, and so forth.