Stax SRM-700T Earspeaker Driver Unit
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The Stax SRM-700S and Stax SRM-700T drivers are world class and hard to top for me when used with the Stax SR-007MK2, SR-009 and SR-009S headphones.

The Stax SRM-700S and Stax SRM-700T drivers are world class and hard to top for me when used with the Stax SR-007MK2, SR-009 and SR-009S headphones.

Delineation of line between the various instruments with the SRM-700T is uncanny and something I’ve never heard before with this recording. The Stax amp allows me to hear deeper into the ensemble than ever before and this is the second copy of this record that I have owned.

The electrostatic technology that gives it so many advantages has certain weaknesses, and that allows conventional rivals to move ahead in other areas. But that can’t take away from the fact that, given a suitable recording, this Stax SR-L700 Mk2/SRM-700T combo can be little short of magical.