Bassocontinuo Ultrafeet

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Bassocontinuo Ultrafeet

Regular price $340.00
Sale price $340.00 Regular price
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Enhanced Isolation System

Ultra Feet drastically reduce the possibility of negative vibrations reaching your sensitive components like turntables and CD players. Greater detail and increased dynamics are just some of the parameters that benefit from it. 
Ultra Feet are not universal, we recommend to follow the load chart indicators to obtain the best performance possible.

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Ultra Feet are available in 8 levels (in terms of dimensions and performance).
Each one is calibrated on a specific load range, with two or three different damping materials (depends on the level): all of them are fully tested by Vicoter.

Ultra Feet Level 1 is designed to offer an excellent level of isolation, using two elastic materials with different densities. The use of non-specific materials allows a rather high load range, making it suitable for most products on the market.

Ultra Feet from Level 2 to Level 5 are designed to be used under electronics: from amplifiers, CD players, DACs to turntables.

Ultra Feet Level 6 are special isolation accessories dedicated to medium – large floorstanding loudspeakers weighing from 20 to 100 kilos.

Ultra Feef Level 7 are designed for extra large floorstanding speakers between 100 and 200 kg.

Made of solid stainless steel, Ultra Feet Level 8 ensure impeccable turntable isolation through the integration of three different decoupling materials:

NBR rubber for effective vibration absorption (on the top of each foot);

The highest absorption coefficient material currently available on the market, specifically tested for turntables (inside the foot);

Delrin disk for additional isolation and stability (under the foot).