JL Audio Fathom f110 V2 Subwoofer
It's the subwoofer I would choose for any reference two-channel or home theater system regardless of price

It's rare that I come across a product that I can't find something not to like about, but that is where I find myself with regards to JL Audio's Fathom f110 subwoofer. It's the subwoofer I would choose for any reference two-channel or home theater system regardless of price. Recommended? Hell yes.

With powerful, very-low-frequency extension worthy of a home-theater system, the Fathom f110 proved fast and agile enough to keep up with one of the fastest speakers I’ve heard. It’s not the cheapest 10” subwoofer on the market, but I challenge you to find a better one at its price -- or at any price.

The JL Audio f110v2 subwoofers punch well above their weight class. That such a small package can integrate with such speed, finesse, and low-frequency extension is remarkable. Every piece of music I threw at the subs demonstrated improvement in all aspects, not just those one would associate with a sub. The soundstage improved, placement of instruments improved, and overall musicality was transformed in a way far beyond my expectations. If you have speakers that are just not up to the low-frequency task, like many monitors and planars, and want musicality that does not degrade the sound quality—look no further. JL has the answer.