Technics SC-C70MK2 Premium Class Music System
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It seamlessly blends technology and minimalism into a product that bridges the gap between wireless speaker and stereo receiver with balance, usability and premium style

A sort of ‘James Bond suaveness’, a certain visual elegance that elevates it beyond the practical designs of its competitors. It’s a distinctly modern yet coolly retro take on the classic ‘boom box’. It seamlessly blends technology and minimalism into a product that bridges the gap between wireless speaker and stereo receiver with balance, usability and premium style.

What Technics has done with the SC-C70 Mk2 is build a product that, in looks, sound and feel, more closely matches the affordable Hi-Fi ideal. Such is the proficiency they have done it with, it is not hard to see the SC-C70 Mk2 finding a number of enthusiastic owners and for this reason, it comes enthusiastically Recommended.